Gardeco company intro PH

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'Take part in our art', which is the leitmotif of the house, perfectly translates its desire to introduce art in your home. Their collections combine tradition and modernity, creation and production, consolidation and innovation.

Tatiana Queiroz - Bola Sabao

Vase canoe - vase 96 - vase 92 - Seguso

The Visitor - Guido Deleu

Mushrooms - Stefan Schöning

Pisco - Stefan Schöning

Armando Di Nunzio - Noi due al quadrato

Constantin totem - Tatiana Queiroz

Vase triangle - Seguso

Unfolding gratitude - Kris Demuelenaere

Mini mapa - Regina Medeiros

The Muses - Renaat Ramon

Fruteira Casca Natural - Cores Da Terra

Close encounters - Stefan Schöning

Stefan Schöning - Langkawi collection

Quiabo - Regina Medeiros

Mapa - Regina Medeiros

Clausa forma - Guy Buseyne

Vaso formigueiro - Domingos Totora

Disque Friso - Domingos Totora

The Visitor - Guido Deleu

Prato de parede concavo - Regina Medeiros

Wings - Cornelius Vandeputte

Please contact us with all your questions, info on sizes and material specifications. We will be happy to help you out.

Gardeco Objects

Molendamstraat 12 8210 Zedelgem Belgium

+32 50 82 77 62

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