Company Introduction
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Armando Di Nunzio - Terza Navigatione
Regina Medeiros - Centro raso
Gardeco Objects is proud to present in this booklet a glimpse of our collection.
'Take part in our art', which is the leitmotif of the house, perfectly translates its desire to introduce art in your home. Their collections combine tradition and modernity, creation and production, consolidation and innovation.
Guido Deleu - The Visitor
Stefan Schöning - Close Encounters
MR eagr i cn aC aMe el ednebi reor sg h- eP r- aTt ho ed te ap ra r e d e 8 0
Alva Design - Apicoados vase pico
Örn Porsteinsson - Freyr
Örn Porsteinsson - Sif polished
Marta Roszczka - Teny
"Art is not what you see, But what you make others see."
Marc Caelenberghe - Confidence
Guy Buseyne - Incisa forma
Guy Buseyne - Iuxta
Selma Calheira - Prato vortice
Selma Calheira - Seixo
Seguso - Triangle vase
Seguso - Vase 96 & Canoe 160
Vera Borghgraef - Breaking out
Cornelius Vandeputte - The Tribe
Cornelius Vandeputte - The Tribe
Armando Di Nunzio - Incontro
Seguso - Vase ocean
Guido Deleu - Bijou S
Marc Caelenberghe - The tear
Domingos Tótora - Vaso formigueiro
Stefan Schöning - Langkawi
Ann Vrielinck - To return & To recharge
Stefan Schöning - Langkawi
Selma Calheira - Pote
Raffaella Benetti - Nuotatore
Seguso - Vase ocean
Cornelius Vandeputte - The Tribe
Regina Medeiros - Fruteira paleta
Vera Borghgraef - Swirl
Please contact us with all your questions, info on sizes and material specifications. We will be happy to help you out.
Special thanks to:
Gardeco Objects bv
L’Officine Balo Bea Mombaers Victoria Yakusha Gallery Studio 05 Design Oostende
Molendamstraat 12 8210 Zedelgem, Belgium
T +32 50827762
Photography: Ohnest
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